L.E.G.O. Academy

“All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seed of today”

L.E.G.O. Academy is our “School of Crafts” which was established to encourage the sharing and developement of book production skills.

Our aim is to ensure the continuation of specialist technical knowledge that has been built up over time by training staff. In addition it allows employees to learn skills and gain an appreciation of different sectors within the group.

We identify and help to develop highly skilled trainers to pass on their knowledge to future generations.

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The identification of potential trainers takes place through an individual interview aimed at bringing out their professional and communication skills


The instructors learn to know the processes used throughout all the production cycle, communicate effectively and develop problem-solving skills


Our new coaches experience what they learned in the training modules, identify an individual action plan and acquire the awareness of their style

Technology alone is not enough, but together with knowledge it can make a difference

L.E.G.O. Academy shows the spirit of continuous innovation that characterizes our company.
It is the concrete sign of a process aimed at cultural and organizational evolution and focuses attention on the spread of corporate culture.
L.E.G.O. Academy goes beyond the classic classroom lesson. It is a real business unit, conceived to add value to our company.
We pay special attention to the individual and their professional growth. Our ultimate goal is the training of people who are able to deal with difficulties and unexpected challenges, by adapting to a constantly changing scenario.
