The Management Executive Committees work together to ensure that L.E.G.O. is a responsible and transparent company, pursuing the following objectives:
- value creation as the basis of our management approach;
- sustainability achieved through the application of socially responsible management principles;
- transparency supported by an open and active information policy.
The Board of Directors agrees with the Shareholders’ Meeting on the strategic direction of the Company and discusses the state of implementation at regular intervals.
In line with good business management practices, the Board of Directors informs regularly, promptly, and completely the Shareholders’ Meeting and its supervisory bodies about all relevant issues on policy, planning, profitability, and business development as well as issues related to risk exposure and risk management.
Since its inception L.E.G.O. has been managed by the Olivotto family.

The Olivotto family

Giulio Olivotto
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Rosa Olivotto
Managing Director

Giovanni Olivotto
Managing Director

Pietro Olivotto

Giovanni Olivotto