
We aim to have a positive impact on people and the environment by running our business responsibly and continuing to increase economic results. Following the definition of sustainable development contained in the Brundtland Report («Our Common Future»), we are committed to finding solutions that allow people to live without exceeding the assimilation capacity of natural systems.

Our purpose is to spread the culture of sustainable development by working alongside our people and partners to achieve the objectives of reduction of CO2 emissions, quantitative reduction of hazardous waste for the environment and safety at work. The L.E.G.O. Environmental Management System is certified according to the ISO 14001:2015 standard as evidence of our commitment to an energy-saving policy, pollution reduction and decrease of waste production through the use of the most modern technologies and the choice of equally respectful partners.

The three pillars of sustainability

The concept of sustainability is based on three fundamental pillars:

  • the environmental principle aims to maintain and protect the natural environment through appropriate policies and achievable practices. The goal is to meet current needs without compromising the availability of resources for future generations;
  • the social principle involves the ability to promote inclusive societies, reduce inequalities, and ensure long-term well-being. This implies maintaining social cohesion and justice;
  • the economic principle is an approach that guides economic activities towards the conservation and promotion of long-term economic well-being. This includes seeking a balance between economic growth, resource efficiency, social equity, and financial stability.

The transition to sustainable development involves achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN and signed on September 2015 by 193 countries. These goals form the basis of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030, an ambitious action plan that promotes people’s well-being, planet protection, and global prosperity. The Agenda consists of 17 universally applicable goals that are structured along the three fundamental dimensions of sustainable development: environmental, social, and economic.

Our goals

The environmental dimension

We monitor our environmental performance according to major international standards and we continue to invest in making the production process more efficient and sustainable.
Through the ClimateCalc tool we are able to determine the carbon footprint of the single graphic product and provide the certified calculation of the carbon footprint of our plants (Emissions Report Scope 1+2+3).

Dimensione ambientale della sostenibilità

The social dimension

We invest in the training of our staff and collaborate with local schools by offering young people the opportunity to understand the values of our management.
As corporate citizens, we comply with the law and observe Italian and European rules concerning the safety of the working environment and the fight against discrimination. We fulfil our tax obligations and pay local and national taxes.
We have chosen to have a positive impact: our commitment is to follow a path of sustainability that is practical and concrete.

The economic dimension

We retain the character of the private family business and, as such, aspire to take an active role in contributing to local development by creating sustainable value in the conduct of business.
We create employment and business opportunities in local economies through our buyer, supplier and business partner activities.
In line with our management approach, we have introduced minimum standards of environmental, ethical and social sustainability in supply management policies.

Le tre dimensioni della sostenibilità

The commitment to energy saving

In the 80s, we have installed a wood chip boiler that in winter heats the Vicenza plant using wood chips from the “disposable” wooden pallets used in the transport of paper. In this process, the carbon dioxide generated by combustion is considered neutral because it is equal to that absorbed by the plant through chlorophyll photosynthesis.

The waste paper recovery plant reduces the need to cut trees to produce paper. The fibers obtained through the recycling of industrial waste paper can be used in the manufacture of papers that do not require particular qualities, such as newsprint.

A high-efficiency methane cogeneration system is installed in the Lavis plant for the combined production of electrical and thermal energy.

The importance of forest conservation

We believe in the necessity of protecting the environment. Limiting the effects of climate change, protecting biodiversity and assuring sufficient means of subsistence for millions of people are some of the reasons why it is important to adopt protection policies on the resources that our planet offers us.

The wood and paper we use, the water and food we consume, the clean air we breathe are gifts that we receive every day from the trees.
It is therefore essential to find balanced methods to use and protect forests in order to ensure a stable quality of human life while respecting Earth’s capacity regeneration.

L.E.G.O. collaborates with the main international organizations whose principles are based on forest conservation, respect for workers’ rights and the creation of economically sustainable markets. The products can be certified:

License Code FSC-C023419 | Legatoria Editoriale Giovanni Olivotto L.E.G.O. S.p.A. -

FSC® – Forest Stewardship Council®

The sustainability protocols of FSC® guarantee respect for local communities, the habitats of plant and animal species, and workers’ rights. Chain of Custody certification is essential to ensure traceability of materials from forests certified FSC®.

License Code PEFC/18-31-280 | Legatoria Editoriale Giovanni Olivotto L.E.G.O. S.p.A. -

PEFC – Programme for the Endorsment of Forest Certification

The Chain of Custody (CoC) certification keeps track of the origin of the raw materials used in the final product, certifying that only sources managed under strict sustainability protocols are taken into account at each stage of the supply chain

The System Certifications

DNV GL ISO 14001:2015 Environmental System Certification

ISO 14001:2015

The purpose of this standard is to specify the requirements necessary to implement a system for the company performance improvement in terms of environmental policy management. L.E.G.O. obtained the ISO 14001:2015 certification in March 2012 as evidence of its commitment to contribute to environmental conservation.

Imprim'Vert Mark


We have obtained the Imprim’Vert certification for compliance with the criteria adopted in the compliant disposal of hazardous waste, in the safe storage of hazardous liquids, in the non-use of toxic products, in the environmental awareness of employees and customers and in the monitoring of energy consumption of the plant in Lavis.

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